Dental Tips for Sports Enthusiasts

Dealing With Wisdom Tooth Pain At Home

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Most people these days end up having their wisdom teeth removed when they are in their late teens or early 20s. This prevents you from having to deal with issues like infection, jaw pain, and misaligned teeth later on. If your wisdom teeth are impacted or in the process of erupting, however, you may be in some pain. Here are a few ways to deal with that pain until you are able to get to a dentist, like Kenneth Schweizer DDS PA, and have the teeth removed. Read More»

Tips And Tricks For Your Invisalign

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Invisalign is a way to straighten your teeth without the look of the silver brackets that traditional braces have. Invisalign retainers are nearly invisible and can be worn without anyone even noticing them in your mouth. To make sure your Invisalign treatment goes as it should there are some tips and tricks to help you along the way. Read on for some of these tips and tricks. Wear Your Retainers Read More»

What Your Tongue Says About Your Health

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Your tongue does more than help move food around your mouth. This strong muscle can also tell you a lot about your oral health and your overall health as well. If you have noticed some irregularities in shape, color or have sores on your tongue, it may be an oral issue or a health issue. Read on for further information about your tongue and your oral health. Irregular Shape If you have noticed the shape of your tongue has changed such as it has ridges on the edges rather than being rounded on the edges, or maybe your tongue looks like it has teeth imprints on the edges it could be due to grinding your teeth or clenching your teeth, or it could also be a thyroid issue. Read More»

Expectations For Getting A Frenectomy To Fix A Tooth Gap

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Is there a large gap located between your two front teeth? If so, know that is a pretty common problem that people have. The gap can be due to a frenulum that is too big. If it is very wide and extends to the bottom of your gums, it can create a gap that will make it difficult for those front teeth to be next to each other. Also, a large frenulum can make some orthodontic treatments difficult to have done, which is why a frenectomy can be done. Read More»

Follow These Dos And Don'ts If You Ever Break A Tooth

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Breaking a tooth is a tragedy that most people prefer to avoid, but it is likely that at some point in your life, it will happen to you. When you do break a tooth, the way you handle the situation will play a big role in determining how well your dentist can repair the damage and whether or not you end up losing the tooth. Keep these dos and don’ts in mind so you’re prepared if you ever break a tooth. Read More»