Dental Tips for Sports Enthusiasts

Are You A Good Candidate For Clear Aligners?

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Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are a popular option for people who want to straighten their teeth without metal braces. They are custom-made, removable, and virtually invisible, which makes them more comfortable and convenient than traditional orthodontic appliances. But are they right for you? Here are some factors to consider before you decide to get clear aligners. The Condition of Your Teeth Clear aligners can treat a variety of dental issues, such as crooked teeth, crowded teeth, gaps, overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. Read More»

The Smile Revolution: Four Remarkable Advancements In Porcelain Veneers

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Porcelain veneers have revolutionized cosmetic dentistry by providing a transformative solution for enhancing smiles. These thin, custom-made shells are placed on the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance and create a natural, radiant smile. In recent years, advancements in technology and materials have taken porcelain veneers to new heights. Here are four remarkable advancements that have made porcelain veneers more durable, aesthetically pleasing, and accessible than ever before. Read More»

What's A Miniature Dental Implant, And Are You Eligible For One?

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You might have heard that a procedure called bone augmentation may be required before someone can receive a tooth implant. But why does a patient’s jawbone sometimes need to be prepared before a dentist can install a tooth implant? This depends on whether the patient is to receive a standard implant or a miniature implant. A New Tooth Root An implant is the gold standard for permanent tooth replacement since the implant (a small titanium screw) placed in your jaw becomes a tooth root. Read More»

Does Your Child Need Braces?

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Most parents and children have a conversation about braces at some point in a child’s life. This conversation happens because approximately 75% of children could benefit from these devices. The discussion may precede an orthodontic appointment or when the parent notices signs and symptoms that braces are on the horizon. What are the signs and symptoms your child may need braces? Here are a few of them.  Crooked Teeth One of the first things you may notice when your child cuts their permanent teeth is whether or not they come in straight. Read More»

What To Do If Your Child Has A Tooth Knocked Out Playing Sports: A Guide For Parents

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If you’re like most parents, you encourage your child to engage in a variety of activities, including sports — and this means a small chance that your child may get a tooth knocked out. Although this can be stressful and chaotic for both you and your child, having a plan in action in place helps minimize anxiety and increases the chances of the tooth being saved. Here’s what you need to know: Read More»